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The Best Power Tools Brands

Power Tools

Many things have been changed since then big brands are launching many new tools, next generation tools Such as cordless which have batteries and even more powerful batteries are launched. Here are some top brands
  1. Milwaukee Electric  Tool Corporation
  2. DeWalt
  3. Makita
  4. Bosch
  5. Stihl
  6. Rigid
  7. Porter Cable
  8. IrWin
  9. Stanley
  10. Channel Lock
  11. Bostitch
  12. 3M
  13. Dremel
  14. Carhartt
  15. Festool
  16. Lenox Tools
  17. Ryobi Tools
  18. Estwing
  19. Kreg Tool
  20. Metabo
  21. Fein
  22. Delta Machinery
  23. Warner
  24. Emerson
  25. Black & Decker
  26. Rubbermaid

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