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When you are making a wood project and you need good joinery so good glues are available to hold your project together. But there are some types of wood glues. Today we will see different types of glues which woodworkers mostly use. How to select best glue for your project. Check these types which will  teach you...
Engineer’s Scriber It is a tool used to mark or scribe a guide line onto a workpiece prior to it being machined. The name scriber came from the word scribe, which itself came from the Latin word scriba, which was a person who would write, engrave or inscribe documents. They are Specifically used to mark out metal work pieces due to their...
1. Brad Point Bits for Wood There are three main types of wood drill bits, they are characterized by the small point at the tip of the bit. Spurs on either side of the point will cut clean, straight holes. They are suitable for all types of wood and available in a huge range of sizes and lengths. 2. Auger Drill Bits These...
Different types of circular saw blades are manufactured to cut different materials and work projects with different power saws. Make sure the blade you choose is suitable for the material you need to cut. It is also necessary blade you choose; make sure it fits your saw. There are several specifications you should check. Check blade diameter and type and compare these...
Wood Planer A wood planer is a woodworking tool, which can be used for producing boards of even thickness that also needs to be totally flat on either side. While the traditional wood planer was more of a handheld tool, the modern power planers come with a planing platform for quick and accurate thickness adjustments and can be controlled either...
Nail Gun It is a type of tool which drives nail into wood or some other type of material. It is usually operated by Compressed air (Pneumatic), Electromagnetism or by flammable gases i.e. Butane, Propane. If you're involved in wood working projects or want to fit something on wall then a hammer is a perfect tool: cheap, simple and entirely effective....
It is a tool used for hitting or beating a job (thing). It has a heavy head mounted at right angles at the end of a handle. Traditionally handle were made of wood fixed through a hole in the head; this allowed the handle to be easily replaced if required. A wide range of Hammers are available in varying shapes, size and weight. The different...